Whitepaper - Mobile App Testing by WeblineGlobal

Mobile Application Testing is a procedure to find out the errors occurred during app development. This app testing is a complex process as it requires testing of all mobile applications across different platforms/operating systems like Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows, different handsets, carriers, languages and locations.

With the emergence of Smartphones in the market and the availability of competitive mobile internet plans across all the service providers, lot of customers are using their mobile phones to access and download innumerable mobile applications. Device and platform variety, small release cycles, scanty mature testing tools and the diverse network connectivity options result in repeated cost overruns and lost targets in today’s mobile application testing environment.

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About Ami Dias

Ami Dias
Ami Dias is working as the Digital Marketing Officer at WeblineGlobal. She is a technology enthusiast who writes a lot of blogs and articles specifically for new-age tech. When she is not working, she likes to go for a long drive and she also travels to various destinations. She is an advocate of a healthy lifestyle and practices yoga with meditation. If you need any elaboration or assistance on the topics she is writing then feel free to drop an email to info@weblineglobal.com
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