Gere (Globally Equipped Remote Employees)

The Shift in working culture

Globally the Tech Startups and companies are changing their office cultures by adding more remote employees in their team. Having Remote employees brings in the following advantages:

  • Its Costs effective as remote employees charges less due to Global payment conversions rates.
  • It lowers cost of operations as it calls for minimal investment on Infrastructure.
  • Remote workers are less stressed, well connected and more engaged.
  • Improves global culture by bringing colleagues of different nationalities working together.
  • Brings more effective agile practices in overall culture of the company.
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This new age culture is already getting popular since the last decade and many of the Global Startups prefer remote employees over regular office setup. This concept brings in the various long term and short term benefits however it also brings in some negative aspects like losing control over the operational monitoring of the employees as technically they are not present in the office premises.

Common Issues faced while hiring Remote Employees

  • Work Sync Issues due to time zone difference.
  • Issues with communication skills.
  • Issues with communication protocols.
  • Issues with proper work monitoring.
  • Lack of guidance and solutions for situational roadblocks.
  • Lack of processes to validate the employability of the resources.
  • Maintaining the longevity of agreement with the resources.
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To tackle the above scenarios WeblineGlobal plans to reduce these above risks by providing remote dedicated employees to global organizations by taking the operational burdens on their own side. WeblineGlobal is well versed with the social-cultural gaps, that are normally faced by organizations looking for remote employees. WeblineGlobal ensures all resources are globally equipped by providing flexible work culture and emphasizes hard on bringing the best of communication practices apart from technology practices. WeblineGlobal Strives to bring in not only techno-savvy but communication wise an efficient culture in its premises.

  • Each remote employee to be hired by the client works as per the timing suitable for the hiring organization. In case the organization hires a team then the Point of contacts are assigned aligned towards working according to the client team’s operation.
  • All resources assigned by WeblineGlobal are well versed with communication skills in English both written and verbal.
  • WeblineGlobal provides superior, secured IT infrastructure to all its resources making sure the clients can use the right technology protocols of their choice making communication experience as blissful as it can be.
  • The resources working for clients are well monitored by department heads and leadership team to ensure a time-bound work culture.
  • As the resources are not working alone hence wherever they are stuck, they are helped by senior peers or in house solution architects to solve critical issues before they become a bottleneck.
  • All resources on board are thoroughly background checked by WeblineGlobal before getting them onboard ensuring verified track record and social integrity.
  • All resources onboard need to undersign strict NDA and term agreement ensuring clients can have peace of mind in terms of information security and longer-term of the assigned resources.
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Why hire resources from WeblineGlobal?

Providing globally equipped resources by putting extensive efforts on each resource to uplift not only their technological knowledge but also communication skills.

Well verified resources with a past background check

Strict legal NDA and MOU for information integrity.

100% transparent process and guidelines in accordance with the organization hiring remote resources.

Resources or Dedicated POCs with Excellent communication skills and Fast turnaround.

25 years of extensive industry experience. 165+ In house technology experts.

3500+ Projects delivered, 1000 + Clients Served, 98% Success ratio.

Proven experience of working as an ODC for many MNCs worldwide.

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