About Ticket Management Tool
Application can be targeted for organization and for that organization maintenance staff member can use this application where their manager will use its back end control panel to track and review status of each ticket submitted by staff members. Maintenance staff members can use this application in their iOS and Android platforms and can create new maintenance tickets based on their visit in that organization’s different areas. Each ticket can have custom attributes which also includes image/video captured through device camera in order to explain ticket related information in more detail and with exact location detail which needs to be fixed by relevant team. Staff manager can manage tickets through backend and can also change its status based on updates from staff members/customers. Manager can also export tickets information under excel file and can also forward ticket detail to other departments for review through sending ticket detail email. Manager can also add tickets on behalf of staff members without image/video in order to generate tickets for staff members if they are not using application in their devices.
iOS Development
- xCode IDE
- Apple iOS SDK
- UI Kit, Event Kit
Android Development
- Eclipse, Android SDK
- ADT Tools, DDMS, AVD
- ProGuard Tool
Important Achievement:
Application is having multiple versions / setups for different targeted organizations so managing all these versions and updating new revisions etc. under all different code base, is primary challenge for this system.