About SBA
SBA Review is a lender Service Provider program which is developed to provide unique platform to process, close, and service loans with speed and efficiency. Users have to fill all required accounting forms to get pre-approved loan. It is platform allows such lenders to offer the benefits of these programs to the business communities they serve in a way that minimizes compliance risks while maximizing overlooked revenue streams. Loan account holder can know its loan status immediate after submitting all loans assessment through this program.
Features Of SBA
- Customer Signup & Account Management
- Auto calculated accounting forms
- PayPal payment gateway integration
- PDF export of load assessment
- Edit user load assessment from back end
- Core Php
- APC Caching
- HTML5, Bootstrap
- Paypal Payment Gateway integration
- jQuery / Ajax driven website
Important Achievement:
Complex dependent accounting calculations for number of custom accounting formulas generating complex pdf report.