About Oncological Support Tool
This application is developed for healthcare professionals which can help as a decision support tool. This app provides easy to use medical calculators (including body surface area, opiate equivalence converters and carboplatin dosage) and prognostic tools (including a lung cancer tool and a GIST tool) needed to manage patients at point of care.
- Easy to use medical calculators & prognostic tools
- Some calculators show result in form of charts
- Parse API to manage user’s subscription(along with renewal), log-in, registration, promo code verification
- Recursive in-app purchase feature for user registration

React Native
- Visual Studio Code
- ES6
- Redux for stack management
- ESLint
- Jest
PHP Development
- PHP 7.2
- Code-Igniter 3.4
- Laravel 5.2
- Angular 7.0
Important Achievement:
Application has medical calculators and prognostic tools to show results in form of charts for healthcare professionals. Parse cloud based service integration provided in application to manage app user’s subscription (account renewal), log-in, registration, promotional code verification etc. Application has provided recursive in-app purchase in order to manage user’s subscription cycle. Application is also having customized screen transition based animation requested by client to provide different user experience to end users.