About CoComm
CoComm is an application providing internal communication facilities for companies and Institutions with critical message broadcast features. This app has a mailing module through which anyone can send and receive mail messages with facility to send to groups or broadcast. This application has a role based customization which lets user to use modules for which they are authorized to use with a particular role.
In the day to day work operations of companies, there arises a much need to have a better, reliable, fast and handy communication tool to avoid loss of time and get all concerned employees updated by the Information. This application also has a feature to provide a broadcast alerts.
This application will install on all the employee’s phones. This application plays an alarm sound even If their phones are in silent mode and displays a push notification of related information in case of any critical situation for example raid or inquiries or any other emergency alerts.
This application also gives a contacts List which gets loaded from a server. Anyone can send mail, call, send text message to this contact.

iOS Development
- Eclipse, Android SDK
- ProGuard Tool
Android Development
- xCode IDE
- Apple iOS SDK
- Store Kit, UI Kit
- Social Framework
Important Achievement:
We successfully completed one of the core features of the application that was sending an alarm and playing the alert sound even for phones kept in silent mode. In this feature we have to implement such business logic that when some authorized personnel fires an alert then all concerned employees should get that alert with an instruction message as push notification. Also, we successfully implemented a mailing module to send, receive mails with group sending and broadcast.