
Missy Confidential Thumb
Missy Confidential

This application targeted for iPhone and Android platforms and provides facility to guide users to the best designer sales, beauty deals, home & living sales, kids fashion, and lifestyle events all around your city or nearby you.

Wedding Planner Thumb
Wedding Planner

Plan the wedding smartly and manage through the Wedding planner app. Using this app, it is easy to locate the best venues, florist, wedding dresses, DJs and bands.

Tabata Coach Thumb
Tabata Coach

In order to do Tabata exercise effectively everybody needs a coach and Tabata Coach behaves as your personal trainer which helps you to perform all the Tabata exercises based on your exercise goal.

Web 2 Print Thumb
Web 2 Print Ecommerce Website

This is an ecommerce based Web to Print solution which allows user to print their images on the products like Canvas, Posters, Mugs, Flyers etc.

Fitness Trainer App
Fitness Trainer App

The Training Notebook (Mobile App) is created to help fitness trainers/professionals and fitness enthusiasts worldwide to manage their daily routines quite easily.

Parents Social Media Network Thumb
Parents Social Media Network

This website is a safe, secure, social media network designed for parents. The website is at the Confluence of Two Rich Verticals i.e. Social & Parenting.

YELTUOR – Online Fashion Store Website Thumb
YELTUOR – Online Fashion Store Website

Yeltuor is Australia’s best fashion online store offering a huge range of women’s clothing, accessories, shoes and more! The website has all typical e-commerce website features.

Running Shapes

This is stand alone application means it does not have centralized database but require active data connection since there will be use of GPS in this app.

BossyHair Thumb
BossyHair – Booking Services for Salon

Bossyhair is a chain of Salon’s in Australia that provides fabulous hairdressing services with first-class friendly service and professional style.

Pet Management & Tracking System Thumb
Pet Management & Tracking System

The main purpose of the application is to provide the information about the pets to the user. The application provides the details of the user’s pets, pet’s reminder, and also about the Allergy, medication detail, health care information, vet information.

Prewatch Thumb

Prewatch (Preview + Watch) is the ultimate YouTube client application for users which allows users to watch any video at anywhere for free. User can go through a quick preview of video that you would like to watch.

Tic Tac Go
Tic Tac Go

Tic-Tac-Go is the newest location based social media game. It will allow you to play class game tic-tac-toe. This game is the perfect combination of social networking and gaming.

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