
Ami Dias

About Ami Dias

Ami Dias is working as the Digital Marketing Officer at WeblineGlobal. She is a technology enthusiast who writes a lot of blogs and articles specifically for new-age tech. When she is not working, she likes to go for a long drive and she also travels to various destinations. She is an advocate of a healthy lifestyle and practices yoga with meditation. If you need any elaboration or assistance on the topics she is writing then feel free to drop an email to
What makes responsive websites the need of the hour?
What Makes Responsive Websites The Need Of The Hour?
By |April 15th, 2016|Web

Why do responsive websites are important? Why do you need it? Read this blog post to get all your questions about website responsiveness answered.

What’s the future of the Internet of Things (IoT)?
By |April 4th, 2016|General

How many objects do you have connected to the Internet? About a decade ago, you probably would have said 1 or 2 if you had already adopted smart phones. Let’s explore what is the future of Internet of Things in this blog.

Interesting E-commerce Trends
By |March 28th, 2016|General

Trends change in every industry. It becomes important for the eCommerce owners to catch up and follow the latest trends.Let’s have a look at some of them in this blog.

Top Enterprise Mobility Trends
By |March 16th, 2016|Mobile

There’s a growing demand of mobility at enterprise level because of the increasing adoption of smart devices such as Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows and Blackberry. Let’s check out top enterprise trends in this blog.

Internet of Things (IoT)
How Is the Internet of Things (IoT) Changing Our Lives?
By |March 14th, 2016|General

We all have heard about the Internet of Things and how it makes the real & virtual world combined. See this blog to know how IoT is revolutionizing our lives.

Home Automation
Get Started with Home Automation and Make Your Life Comfortable
By |March 4th, 2016|General

Smart Home Automation brings comfort, ease and security to your home. Learn how home automation can make your life convenient & comfortable.

Advantage of IoT
How Enterprises Can Take The Advantage of IoT?
By |February 25th, 2016|General, Mobile

Though IoT is an emerging field, not many enterprises are ready to adopt it. See this post, to explore the ways enterprises can take the advantage of IoT.

How Can MBaaS shape up the Enterprises
By |February 20th, 2016|General, Mobile

MBaaS provides cloud-based suite of mobile backend components that includes data storage, push notifications, geolocation, social media integration, analytics, push notifications, and many more.

mobile payments in 2016
See Why Mobile Payments Will Skyrocket in 2016
By |February 16th, 2016|Mobile

Digital payments firms are rapidly pushing card payments into the background. Read this post to know why 2016 will be a huge year in the world of mobile payments.

How Modular MBaaS is revolutionizing The Cross-Platform App
How Modular MBaaS is revolutionizing The Cross-Platform App
By |February 5th, 2016|Mobile

As Parse retires, people are looking for its alternative. See how building a cross-platform app using our Modular MBaaS can revolutionize mobile app development.

Mobile App for Retail Banking
Easy Banking With SMART APP for Retail Banking Customers
By |February 1st, 2016|Mobile

Retail Banking has become a lucrative business, with adaptation to digitization for quick, easy, secured and on-demand transactions. Read this blog to know more.

SMAC BRE Health Solution
SMAC BRE & Its Usage in The Tele Health Solutions
By |January 5th, 2016|Mobile

By using the WeblineGlobal’s SMAC Business Rule Engine, the tele health solution is making a strong impact in the market. Read this blog to know more.

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